Medical Palmistry

Palmistry is a branch of Astrology, which was up until now looked upon as knowledge related to fortune telling handed down by our ancestors from generation to generation. However, from the medical point of view, now, Palmistry has emerged as a science in its own right that has helped doctors and patients alike in diagnosing difficult diseases.

i) The benefits of Medical Palmistry are as follows:

Palmistry is a branch of Astrology, which was up until now looked upon as knowledge related to fortune telling handed down by our ancestors from generation to generation. However, from the medical point of view, now, Palmistry has emerged as a science in its own right that has helped doctors and patients alike in diagnosing difficult diseases.

i) The benefits of Medical Palmistry are as follows:

Medical Palmistry not only helps diagnosing diseases but also helps one to know about the patient’s temperament, his/her constitution, and the subconscious mind. Besides, some factors such as love, libido, and the emotions that are beyond the pale of empirical sciences, can easily be recognized by the knowledge of Palmistry.

a) It provides an early warning for forthcoming diseases, and one can prevent them early.
b) It provides information about hidden diseases which remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed by doctors.
It helps in the prognosis of diseases where doctors are unsure about it.
Psychological ailments can be easily recognized by the study of the palm.
Palmistry has a major role in prevention of diseases. With its help and knowledge, a doctor can easily recognize the weakness of the system and advise the patient all relevant nutritional changes to prevent the disease from becoming severe. 
f) Serious illnesses, accident and hospitalization can be avoided by guiding the person properly in the nascent stage. 
g) It is free from birth time correction which most of the horoscope do have.

ii) Important points regarding Medical Palmistry
a)Earth Hand – Susceptible to bowel or intestine problems.
b) Air Hand – Nervous tension and lung problems.
c) Fire Hand – Accidents and heart problems
d) Water Hand – Allergies, nervous system and psychological problems.
e) Thick Palm – Thick, well padded palms denote a robust constitution.
f) Thin Palms  – Thin, fragile hands indicate a fragile constitution
g) Markings On The Fingertips – Short dashes may indicate stress, while short vertical lines may indicate hormonal problems.
h) Forefinger – Pituitary gland
i) Middle Finger – Pineal gland
j) Ring Finger – Blood pressure
k) Little Finger – Thyroid
l) Health Markings – Islands On Heart Line: beneath Saturn may indicate hearing defects.
m) Laddered Heart Line – beneath Apollo finger may indicate calcium imbalance
n) Star On Line – star on heart line may indicate heart problems
o) Diamond: a diamond attached to lifeline may indicate gynecological problems
p) Tussling: tussling of head or life line may indicate energy problems
q) Fingernails Speckles: imbalance of zinc
r) Vertical Ridges: intestinal problems
s) Horizontal Ridges: trauma
t) Wrap Around: respiratory problems
u) Fan Shaped: need to relax

Different marks on the Mounts on the palm of a person, one can predict the disease he is prone to suffer.

Usually when a patient is examined by a doctor, the doctor used to examine the flow of blood on the nails by holding the finger and pressing the tip of the finger. If the blood flow in the nail is less it indicates the person is anaemic. If the colour of the hand is yellowish, then he is prone to Jaundice. If the palm as a whole is red in colour it denotes that the subject is suffering from high blood pressure. If the palm is bluish it denotes that the patient’s blood is poisoned.

The age at which the death of a person will occur can be predicted by the following method. Take a blunt needle and start pricking the Life line from the beginning of the line. After one prick, you will see blood i.e. red colour at that spot. Thus you go on doing it on the length of Life line. At one point there will be no blood and a white patch will appear. This is the year the year the person will die. The age can be determined as usual with the help of Fate line.

  • Anaemia: A pale palm and nails. The lower part of the Mount of Moon is over-developed or it is much lined.
  • Asthma: A back spot inside the quadrangle.
  • Biliousness: Yellow colour palm. The Mount of Mercury is much lined.
  • Defective blood circulation: More white spots on the nails. Line of Head, pale Head line with black spot on it.
  • Temporary Brain Trouble: A small portion of the Head line is thin.
  • Bronchitis: Over – developed upper mount of Mars, many lines on the Mount of Mars.
  • Hereditary disease : An island at the beginning of Life line.
  • Weak Constitution : Line of life chained or linked. Deaf and Dumb An island at the beginning of the Life line and another island at the end of the Head line.
  • Deafness : An island on the line of Head under the mount of Saturn.
  • Diabetes : A long voyage line from lower percussion of the lower mount of the Moon with star on the mount of Moon.
  • Dropsy : The lower part of mount of Moon over-developed or a star on this Mount or many lines on this mount.
  • Epilepsy : Head line sloping towards the mount of Moon and broken into pieces with large cross in the triangles.
  • Eye Trouble : A triangle formed under the mount of Sun will reduce the vision but no blindness.
  • Blindness : A triangle on the mount of Sun or down-wards. A circle on the Life line or Heart line is the symptom of blindness.
  • Fainting Fits : Line of Heart chained or curving down to line of Head.
  • Uterus-related problems : Plain of Mars becomes hollow towards the Mount of Moon.
  • Typhoid and Malaria Fever : Bluish dot on the line of Life. Dark dots on the line of Head. Black and bluish dots on the line of Heart.
  • Gout : Mount of Jupiter is over-developed. Life line forked and red in colour at the termination.
  • High Fever : The Heart line curving down on the line of Head.
  • Headaches : Chained line of Head, bars cutting the line of Head.
  • Heart Troubles : Plain of Mars becomes hollow towards Heart line, Line of Heart broken under the Mount of Mercury.
  • Hemorrhage : Grille on the upper mount of Mars. In females a star on the lower part of the Mount of Moon.
  • Jaundice : Much lined Mount of Mercury. A spot or a star on the Mount of Moon.
  • Kidney Trouble : Much-lined lower part of the mount of Moon.
  • Veneral infection : The Girdle of Venus indicates. Girdle starts on the mount of Saturn and ends encircling mount of Apollo. This is the cause of Aids, the dreaded disease.

Nails and Your Health
Nail Appearance Associated Condition
White nailsLiver diseases, such as hepatitis
Yellowish, thickened, slow-growing nailsLung diseases, such as emphysema
Yellowish nails with a slight blush at the baseDiabetes
Half-white, half-pink nailsKidney disease
Red nail beds Heart disease
Pale or white nail bedsAnemia
Pitting or rippling of the nail surfacePsoriasis or inflammatory arthritis
"Clubbing," a painless increase in tissue around the ends of the fingers, or inversion of the nailLung diseases
Irregular red lines at the base of the nail foldLupus or connective tissue disease
Dark lines beneath the nailMelanoma

Compiled by

Addala bhaskar jaganmohan naidu

B.E. (Mining) , M.Tech (Education), B.A.(Vedic Astrology) M.A.( Vedic Astrology)
Mail : [email protected]

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