
Life is a mystery. Till the time you solve the mystery life comes to an end. We are born then we study, do job and finally marry. We live our life everyday whether we are a child ,mother, father or old. We go through hardships as well as good times. Life shows us all its colors in full bloom. When we are young and alone we search for a soul mate. We love someone and are ready to die for that person. We want to keep our lover happy. Movies, parties and late arrivals at home become more frequent. Parents interfere and we oppose.

Life is a mystery. Till the time you solve the mystery life comes to an end. We are born then we study, do job and finally marry. We live our life everyday whether we are a child ,mother, father or old. We go through hardships as well as good times. Life shows us all its colors in full bloom. When we are young and alone we search for a soul mate. We love someone and are ready to die for that person. We want to keep our lover happy. Movies, parties and late arrivals at home become more frequent. Parents interfere and we oppose. Then finally we want to give a name to our relationship by giving it the name of marriage. We are happy at the top of the world. We dance and sing. Marriage takes place. Life is moving smooth. We realize truths of each other then the real love story starts whether you can make up with him or her or leave to your moms place.

You suddenly realize that your husband is too busy and cant take you out for a movie or dinner as before. He will even lose his temper on you. Then you realize “ OH MY GOD IS HE THE SAME PERSON WHOM I HAVE MARRIED “. You have seen the start of one of the true colors. You share many happy moments but when you sit down and look at these sad moments it hurts and your heart cries. Then days pass on you have a baby and you realize that life has changed a lot and there is nothing in your life similar as before. Your husband realizes OH God i am dad i have to earn for the baby. Life with baby is good but if you are a working woman you have to sacrifice your career for the baby. Maid servants don’t take best care. Life has shown you its second color. Then frequent nagging and fights. At last when things get out of control and you get frustrated you either leave In Laws place and go home or go to court and seek Divorce. The love life has ended.

You either make up with your husband and start living a new life with a new beginning or end in divorce. When you make it up with your husband and want to relive with him. You have to change your thinking and your mindset to adjust with him. And if you get a busy husband who is busy with his work at home too then you really need to plan your life as to how to adjust. If you are a patiwrata nari you will never want to leave your husband but if you are not a patiwrata nari you can always romance with someone else forgetting your husband. Living ones own life to the fullest is very important. It very much necessary to work to earn bread and butter but there should be some personal life too. See its again life . People say it wrong to go out with someone else except your husband but what a wife will do who has a busy husband who is physically present and mentally absent. Everything is right in its own place and nothing is wrong, the person who faces the situation is the best judge as to what he or she should do at that moment. Love is very important in life and it should not die in our hearts till we are alive, be it for anyone your husband, your boyfriend or your extramarital affair.

Kids will grow up and live their own life and you will be left alone so you should know how to live your life.

Live your life don’t die every moment it will go on showing you its true color. You have to adjust say hello to happiness and goodbye to sorrows and live on because you cannot complain and you have got no one to complain. You are the creator of your own life.


Written By
Rashmi Priya

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