Ending life and ending the living world

Ending life had become so easy. Every day you wake up with a fresh mind and think of just glancing at the newspaper you get to read a lot of bad news. On first page so many people died in a terrorist attack or accident or the worst so many people murdered. It really pains after reading such news but yes the newspaper has no option but to print it. The person who was murdered had no option but to die but why we common people are adding to it by committing suicides. I know the person who decided to end his or her life must be facing the extreme situation of his/her life.

Ending life had become so easy. Every day you wake up with a fresh mind and think of just glancing at the newspaper you get to read a lot of bad news. On first page so many people died in a terrorist attack or accident or the worst so many people murdered. It really pains after reading such news but yes the newspaper has no option but to print it. The person who was murdered had no option but to die but why we common people are adding to it by committing suicides. I know the person who decided to end his or her life must be facing the extreme situation of his/her life. The question which i want to raise Is suicide the end or solution to all the problems. The associated person and relatives of the self destructing person lose their peace and especially the parents its the end of world for them. How can a father and mother peacefully accept the suicide of their child. God life becomes hell for them.

Why someone wants to commit suicide or take the extreme step in life is very difficult to answer. There are many loop holes which need to be corrected in the society as well as in our own house. Yes we have to take steps so that this does not happens in our houses. Expectations are the most dreadful thing. I will tell you why – there is a lot of expectations from a child by their parents. They want him her to perform well, be good at everything. Few parents just force their child to study study and do only studies. What they forget that a child too can feel stressed and they too need to de-stress themselves. They need freedom to play and practice other extracurricular activities to grow. A student may be doing fair in studies but excelling in other parts. Don’t pressurize a child for anything let them follow their heart, because pressure leads to tension and this tension leads to unusual behaviour. The society too needs to change the out look. I have seen people looking down upon parents whose child does not give good performance in studies. Why such an attitude. Is it only studies or performance which counts in life and nothing else. When will we grow up and accept child the way they are. I will give you example of a living legend Sachin Tendulkar . If his parents too would have forced him to do a lot of studies and do a good job he would not have been able to create history in the world of Cricket. He (Sachin Tendulkar ) became becomes first batsman to score 200 in an ODI.

In Today’s( 5th march 2010, Friday ) newspaper i read a pathetic news. I still cant digest it. A nine month pregnant woman ended her life by jumping in a well just because she could not bear the labour pain. She delivered the child in the well and both bodies were recovered from the well. How could she do that to herself or even her child who had just come in the new world. When every one is struggling for survival and giving all joys to their child she ended her life to end her temporary pain. These type of news really brings tears to my eyes.

Every one has to bear pain. There is no one in this world who had led a pain free life. We have to accept life the way it is and live it to the maximum. We have to do the best in out life, struggle and reach the best position which is vacant just for us.

God gave us life to live. Lets not just waste life by thinking negative things or doing ill deeds. But let us all do good things, work hard, remain happy and live our best. We have got only one life and its upon us how we want to live. Whether we want to be remembered as Sachin Tendulkar or just a person who ended life just for temporary pain.

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