Dink Couples

First of all let me explain the meaning of Dink – Dink means double income and no kids. In today’s scenario both male and females are walking shoulder to shoulder and females are giving a tough competition to the males. Its really thing of the past when females used to be only housewives confined to their home, depending on their husband for existence and had no say in family decision making process. Females have moved forward and have covered those extra miles which was needed for their growth. This independence has led to the change in males perception towards females.

First of all let me explain the meaning of Dink – Dink means double income and no kids. In today’s scenario both male and females are walking shoulder to shoulder and females are giving a tough competition to the males. Its really thing of the past when females used to be only housewives confined to their home, depending on their husband for existence and had no say in family decision making process. Females have moved forward and have covered those extra miles which was needed for their growth. This independence has led to the change in males perception towards females. Its a thing of the past when a husband decided as to how many children they will have and a wife was compelled to become pregnant and rear babies to fulfill whims and fancies of her better half and mother in law.

Now with the emergence of new age woman things have really changed and the society too looks upon working women will lots of pride. Now a days its quite common to find both husbands and wife working. When two career oriented people marry its a hard decision to make as to who will sacrifice their work and look after the child if they have one. Its usually the ladies who sacrifice their career for starting a family or give a break to their career and start again once her child is grown enough to care for themselves. I have not yet seen any male sacrificing their career for rearing the baby. This has led to the emergence of the new concept called DINK where both husband and wife are earning and they don’t want to have a child because no one is ready to sacrifice their career. Its a true fact that there must be some reasons behind this decision.

Rearing a child is not at all an easy task. Planning for a child comes with lots of responsibilities. Here both father and mother has to care and no one can say that they are busy. A child needs regular attendance, care and especially the most important aspect time. Few working ladies find it difficult to cope with the new surrounding so she is not ready to sacrifice. A dink couple has double income and no kids so they have less responsibilities of family front. Few couple in Mumbai want to be dink because they feel that they don’t need some one else to fill any space and they don’t need a child.

The society is yet to accept the new concept of DINK but i think there is nothing wrong in that. Its a couple’s decision and if they are happy with it why the society wants to interfere. Indian law has legalized gay sex and if in future they legalize gay marriages they too will turn in to dink couples. So things change and it was just few years ago that society looked down upon people living together. But now the Indian society has accepted it to some level, even the Supreme Court of India has given the lady in living in relationship all the rights of a wife. Perception of people are changing. Its good to accept changes in our life.

Lets see how much acceptance is given to Dink couples.

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