How to Convert an Interview Call in to a job Prospect

We are very happy when we receive a call letter from the company where we posted our resume. We receive date and timings for interview.
There are few things which should be kept in mind so that an interview goes successful and we get the job –

1)Find out each and every detail of the company where you have applied for interview. You will be asked questions about the company. Interviewers are impressed when you let them know the details.

2)Know your subject well. You will be asked practical as well as theoretical questions.

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Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal is the process of assessing the performance of an employee within a given time period by a Manager or supervisor. It helps in measuring the exact performance of the employee, his strengths and weaknesses and the required improvements.

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Getting a Promotion

Doing a good Job and not getting promoted ? Working hard and yet not getting recognized ? There is something which is seriously going wrong. Merely working hard or becoming a good worker will not get you promoted. There are few things which should be kept in mind while seeking promotion from your employer. Let us highlight them one by one.

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Job Rotation

Job Rotation is a process of preparing employees at a lower level to replace someone at the next higher level. Job rotation is practiced in corporate sector to avoid boredom and complacency in employees. Companies practice it to train employees at various levels so that they can do varied jobs and can become good leaders. It helps in understanding problems faced by different level of employees and required improvements. Job rotation is practiced to enrich the knowledge and job of a worker.

There are few things which should be kept in mind before going for job rotation –

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Web 2.0 changing lives

Internet has become a big source of communication and with the advent of technological innovations knowledge sharing became easier. It increased the reach of common man to a vast knowledge base just with the click of the mouse. Previously it was one way communication but with web 2.0 technology its two way communication. Web 2.0 helps in networking, finding solutions to problems, share our ideas and views by means of blog and help in selling better.

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Every Moment is different

Life is changing every moment. Are we all ready to accept the change and adapt to it. Changes are common in everyone’s life but what is most uncommon is how positive we feel about it. Sometimes its difficult and sometimes easy to accept changes but never impossible. Adidas says “ Impossible is nothing “. Great advertisement. Its says impossible word does not exists. We really have to adapt to changes and accept it. Its something which we have no control of.

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Women Entrepreneur

An Women Entrepreneur is a person who treads her own path and carves a niche for herself in the society. It takes a lot of guts and courage to become and entrepreneur. There are high risks involved and an unpredictable future. If its an woman she has to balance all fronts – her family, children, friends and Business or Enterprise. Its a big challenge for her. There are a lot of setbacks which she has to over come when she wants to do something of her own. She has to prove her self to her family then only she is allowed to move forward. Or else she has to fight for her rights and walk alone.

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Customer Service

Customer service has become a buzzword. Every company wants satisfied customers and they will employ every means to hold them. Gone are the days when very few top notch companies had customer service department. Now you will find almost every company having a customer care center or they hire one to know their customers better. Its very well said that “ Customer is King “. There fore its very much necessary to look in to each and every problem of customer. Its better to sell 100 products to 10 loyal customers then to sell 100 products to 100 new customers.

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Born with a purpose

Every person in this universe is born with a purpose whether big or small. We walk a long way before realizing exactly what we want to do and for what purpose we are born. Things come and go. Every situation in life teaches us a lot and makes us more understanding and helps us realize our mission. Take the example from small to big things everyone has a specific job to do and within a specific time period. The honey bees collect nectar from thousands of flowers and make honey in the honey comb. They also pollinate flowers in the meanwhile and helps in pollination.

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Why Vidarbha is movements are neglected by media, by other regions, & by our peoples

Negligence increases after unsuccessful, unstable, unsustanable Vidarbha Movements!!!!
They laugh at us after such movements, rallies!!!!! Why!!!!
Answer is Lack of Dedication, awareness & People oriented movements.
Our pro vidarbha leaders should change the way of Vidarbha movement.
As per my opinion they should go as per the following stages —

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