How to Choose a Good Investment Advisor?

How to Choose a Good Investment Advisor? 

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe”.

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Few Indian Myths

Yeah you wont believe me that we Indians are very much happy with the myths and fantasies we carry. They are prevalent till today i.e 21st century and we have not yet dumped them though we might be placed at the top in our work. Now the question arises as to why we are happy with the myths we carry ?

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I love my Hubby

Love and hatred are two faces of the same coin and you will experience both of them. Its never possible that love with exist without hatred. Today’s fast moving life has left no time for merry making or love. We are slaves of the new technology and its really eating in to quality time spend with family and friends. Well we just cannot blame the technology, its we as individuals who decide what we should do at a given time. Its upon us whether we spend quality time with friends or just sit in front of the idiot box or chat with online friends when the other partner is getting bored.

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Brides looking for Grooms

You all would think what i want to say by starting most talked about topic. Yaar i dont want to add any mirch or masala. I just want to share my views. A well groomed man looking for a nice parner and vice versa has flourished so many businesses. Yeah you see there are thousands of unmarried people and they want to get married and settle down in life but cant find suitable partners. So what they do. There are many websites like , and many more. These sites helps you in finding right life partner and in the meanwhile they make money.

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Salary Negotiation

Salary negotiation is an ongoing process in today’s corporate scenario. We negotiate over everything in our day to day life be it grains to finalizing big deals. Salary negotiation is very important because it sometimes happens that most deserving candidate gets very low salary and the less admirable is paid higher. When you think of negotiating about the salary then the question arises as to how to negotiate. There are certain rules to salary negotiation. You should not hurt the interviewer nor you should show your upper hand as these things gives you a negative mark in the interview.

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Employee Retention

Employee Retention is the most talked about subject in today’s business scenario. Take example of any organization be it IT, Manufacturing, Production houses – all are feeling the heat of employee attrition and they want to have good retention rates. Gone are the days when an employee stuck to a particular organization for his life time and never left. Things have changed and so has the mindset and work culture. Employees are the Back bone of the company.

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A tragedy turns Gift

While going through the pages of Readers Digest i found a very good story of a woman who lost her Husband in a tragedy. The tragedy happened due to drug and alcohol which was taken for delight. That person was just passing by that place when the drunken crowd stamped him to death.

Who was responsible for this death was not clear at the start but after a lot of police investigation it was found out. The murderer was merely 20 years old and he was charged with man slaughter and was given life imprisonment for this act of murder.

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Bachelors having Sex Partners

Its 21st century. Things are moving fast. Society has changed and so has the mindset of people. Hard core principle are same but with few modifications. There is better life and more open mindedness than before. People are having relationship other than marriage. Relationship such as living together has bloomed and even our topmost country judiciary i.e the Supreme court has given clean chit to the relationship and has given full rights to the girls who are involved in this relationship. They are given the same position as that of a wife.

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Money and Power Craze

“Lust for anything is bad “ we all have heard this famous saying. But when it comes to practicing we usually forget what we have learned. Its useless to run after money. You do your work and cash will flow in. Don’t run after money because it will land you no where and at last you will be lost and will be left with nothing. On the other hand if you work hard and do your work things will go better day by day and you will add value to your life and you bank account will be flooded.

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Internet – A Boon or Bane

Its 21st century and the world is moving at the pace of light. Internet helps us in connecting to the whole world just at the click of the button. You can chat, send mails and update your knowledge by browsing all types of sites. Its cheap. If you think of calling everyone it will cost you a lot. But there should be limitations to everything. You must have heard the proverb “Anything in excess causes damage “. To a certain limit its really great. You can do video conferencing and learn new stuffs without moving places. But once things exceed limits problems start evolving.

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